Strategic Plan
October 10, 2022 2024-02-26 16:32Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Our Mission
The Illinois Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (IALAS) commits to provide authentic, high-quality learning opportunities for all students by promoting Latino leaders and building capacity among education leaders serving in Latino communities by advocating for responsive, informed policy development.
Our Vision
To unify and cultivate educational leaders, serving Latinx communities, for the purpose of promoting equity & empowering all students.
- Membership: Developanorganizationinwhichmembershipfeelssupportedandproudtobea part of.
- Mentorship/Leadership: Supportneweducationalleadersandidentifyfutureleaderswhowill support Latinos and their communities.
- Advocacy: AdvocateforpoliciesthatsupportthemissionandvisionofIALAS,ALASand membership. Increasing opportunities within the educational field.
- Partnership: FosterstrongrelationshipswithsponsorsthatsupporttheIALASmissionand vision.
- Equity: SystemicEquityattheHeartofallorganizationdecisions.
- Goal 1: Increase membership by 5% each year.
- Goal 2: Retain 80% of IALAS Members year over year.
- Goal 3: By 2026 we will sustain 15 mentors with 15 mentees.
- Goal 4: Increase communication to membership regarding trends in education that impact Latino students and their communities, at least 4 times per year.
- Goal 5: Maintain a presence at the State and National level where issues that could impact the education of Latino students are discussed.
- Goal 6: Retain current partners and recruit 2 new partners each year through 2026.